Saturday, January 19, 2008

Candidate Expo Pictures

Thanks to my friend Martha Woodward for contributing these photos from the Candidate Expo. Martha is a co-host of Salute America. Salute America is heard every Sunday on Am 850 from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. She is the published author of Knoxville's Sunsphere, A Biography of a Landmark. She is also a free lance contributing writer for publications like The Knoxville Journal and Knoxville Focus.

Republican candidate for County Clerk Scott Moore inspects the hard work of his wife Lorie and the numerous Moore volunteers that labored to get the "Tags, Title, License and Moore" message out to the voters that attended the Candidate Expo.

My friend and regular daily reader of Brian's Blog Walt Wojnar. Wojnar is pictured here with his lovely and supportive wife. Wojnar is a candidate for County Commission Fourth District Seat A. Wojnar is facing Richard Cate, William Daniels and Ruthie Kuhlman. Walt has a catchy phrase. "W O J N A R - the J. is silent, I won't be." By the way W goes with just about anything. W = Women, W = Water, W = Winner.

My friend Mike Corum and I talking with Ruthie Kulhman. Kulhman is running for the same seat as Wojnar, Cate and Daniels. In this photo I was explaining to Ruthie that my wearing a shirt the same color as her campaign colors is not an endorsement of her campaign.

My friend Hubert Smith with Republican candidate for Sheriff Jimmy "J.J." Jones. Hubert is host of "The Hubert Smith Radio Show" heard every Sunday on AM 850 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Smith also host a CTV television show, "One on One with Hubert Smith" aired every Friday at 9:00 p.m. on Knoxville's Comcast Channel 12.


  1. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Neat pictures! It looks like you had fun. Tell Mr. Moore to get a different neck-tie; he looks like his campaign poster standing there like that. I like Mr. Moore, I just can't get over the whole appointment/sunshine law thing and his central role in all that.


  2. Steve if you were around when Dr. Bill Frist first ran for Senate. He wore the same tie, everywhere at every event. I am not saying that Scott is doing that. I am just using the example.

    As for the "appointment/sunshine law thing" Scott was not found to have done anything wrong. There were several Commissioners that admitted to violating the law. Scott did not commit to vote for anyone prior to teh meeting and he didn't cut deals with his district mate to appoint anyone.
