Sunday, January 27, 2008

Heeeee's Baaaaacccckkkk! To Campaign?

UPDATE: After we reported this action. The weekly tabloid began working on it and will be reporting on our item in tomorrow's edition. Check out their report here.

Original Post: No official sighting of him as of yet, (He was last seen at Jack Barnes Christmas lunch, the middle of December 2007) but sources indicate that Victor Ashe, the controversial former Mayor of Knoxville and the lover of taking your county private property and moving the City of Knoxville on top of it is back in town.

Supposedly, he is here to promote and elect his slate of candidates for the February 5, 2008 election. Which is either a violation or as close to being a violation of Federal law as you can get. You see, he is an appointed Federal official serving as Ambassador to Poland.

Federal law forbids Federal employees to promote, solicit or campaign for political candidates and campaigns while on "official duty". It would be reasonable to conclude that as Ambassador, he is always on duty, 24/7/365 except in 2008 when it is 24/7/366.

It is reported that his slate of candidates are: Ruthie Kuhlman, candidate for County Commission Fourth District Seat A; Ed Shouse, candidate for County Commission Fourth District Seat B; and Foster Arnett, Jr, candidate for County Clerk .

Ruthie Kuhlman has stated publicly that Victor Ashe is supporting her, "personally, financially, every way possible".


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    hey did you guys know that this guy went to Yell and is a member of the Skull and Bones.. along with President Bush and John Kerry. Check it out!

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I was hoping for Tyler Harber!
