Tuesday, January 08, 2008

In New Hampshire and In Knox County, TN Today

It will be interesting day for political junkies. I feel as certain as I can from the reports that we are receiving from New Hampshire that Clinton will come in second. The icing on the cake will be if Edwards could force a third place finish for Clinton. Her little crying stunt, yesterday says that she is in real trouble and is desperate. Heck, she never cried over all the misdeeds of her husband, including his many relationships outside of their marriage.

As for the Republicans. I believe McCain will emerge in the first spot. I wish he had not proclaimed that he would finish first on Sunday. It just looked arrogant and unlike independent New Hampshire. I would like to see a Huckabee second place finish. While I really believe that it will be Romney second with Huckabee and Rudy in third and fourth.

Tonight, we will see.

As for Knox County today. The candidates for Knox County Clerk will face off in a radio debate this morning on WNOX FM 100.3 beginning at 8:00 a.m. I have been informed that all candidates on the Republican side Knox County Commission Chairman Scott Moore, former Knox County Commissioner Mike McMillan, Bryan Bates and Foster Arnett, Jr. along with George Stooksbury the Democrat have informed WNOX that they will be in attendance. Democrat Amy Henley Vandergriff had not indicated to station officials that she would participate. However, she did announce at the Saturday Morning Democrat Club that she would be participating.

The candidates for School Board in the Fifth district will face off on "The Phil Show" on WNOX FM 100.3 beginning at 3:00 p.m.. The candidates are Laurie Alford, a business controller with the Tennessee Press Service, Inc and a committed community volunteer along with the other candidate, Karen Carson. At some point I need to share a humorous story or two about my hero, Phil Williams host of the "Phil Show".

If you have questions for either the Clerk or School Board candidates, you must call in to 865-212-4500 submit and record your question. During the debates if WNOX chooses to use your question, no guarantees, they will then play the recording on the air at which point the candidates are expected to answer.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Candidate Amy Henley Vandergriff is full of herself. After personally working with her, I have witnessed her being rude and mean to customers. Even calling one lady a "b***h". Why do you thnk she was fired!? She is full of herself when she is talking about improving customer service!!

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Additionally, the candidates for Knox County Commission District 4 Seats A and B will be on WNOX this evening starting at 6:00p.m. Seat A candidates will be on from 6:00p.m.-7:30p.m. then Seat B candidates will follow from 7:30p.m. until 9:00p.m.

    Thank you, Elaine Davis
