Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Karen Carson Utilizes A Vote For Political Purposes

Brian's Blog has been forwarded an email that Karen Carson has sent to individuals within her email list. Here is the email with the names blocked to protect our sources.

My opponent continues to make rezoning *the *issue in this school board race. I am reaching out to you to see if you can remember the names/emails of those who worked in that small group to postpone the rezoning. Even though they did get rezoned to Bearden, I do think I worked with them to prevent the rezoning to HVA and promote a more reasonable idea.

If there are any names in there that you know, I would appreciate if you could give them a call and just find out where they stand at this point. Please let me know if you hear anything. Thanks, Karen

So a decision was made for political benefit? According to a few individuals, a review of the School Board Ethics policy and the Knox County Ethics Charter Provision that was mandated by the State Ethics law passed in Nashville, may be reviewed for possible violation and a possible complaint may be filed with the TSBA Advisory Ethics Commission and Knox County's Ethics Committee.

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