Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lockett Is Not Part Of The Victor Ashe Slate

Tonight at the Farragut Cultural Alliance Candidate Meet & Greet, Bill Lockett candidate for Knox County Law Director assured me that he is not a candidate on the Victor Ashe slate of candidates.

As a matter of fact he told me that he has been meeting with a group of citizens in leading a grass roots effort to change the name of Victor Ashe Park to Fitzgerald Park. Lockett informed me that the Fitzgerald family are the individuals that owned the land that became the City of Knoxville park that bears the former Mayor's name.

So the Ashe Machines slate is three candidates.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:17 PM

    The meeting was great unfortunately maybe ten undecided voters showed up. Great press very highly well organized. I am starting to know these candidates and see these candidates more then my family. To date the strongest meet and great had been the knox county convention.I believe that next year they should have two candidate meet and greets county expo style. I am kinda impressed with Bill and his wife they are so passionate to making Farragut a better place to live. Again I loved the event but I do believe meet the candidate nights have reached a saturation point of the law of dimminished returns.
