Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Old Career Politician PAC Endorses

UPDATE January 17, 2008 6:03 a.m. I talked with a candidate last evening that participated in the interview for the PAC. The candidate confirmed that they met in a basement. Also, when the candidate met with the panel, there were four members of the PAC present for the candidates interview. The panel instructed the candidate that it would take five members to cast a vote for an endorsement. However, this candidate was only interviewed by four members. No references were called and verified for at least two of the candidates that were not endorsed. Certainly the old career politicians were not open and transparent in their process.

Original Post: January 16, 2008 7:09 p.m. The "Public Trust PAC", The "Good Government PAC" as named by the News-Sentinel aka as The Old Career Politician PAC. The Old Career Politician PAC aptly named because it is led by two old career politicians (Ben Atchley and Tom Schumpert) that fought and fought hard against term limits. Today the Old Career Politicians endorsed their candidates for Commission and School Board. While we would agree with a couple or three of their endorsements.

Here is the question.

If these old career politicians believed that the actions on January 31, 2007 were so horrible that they must form a PAC to endorse candidates. Why did the PAC have all their interviews in a smoke filled basement? They did not advertise when and where the interviews would be held. They did not invite the public or the media.

It appears that the old career politicians just brought the candidates in and said here is our agenda, here is what we expect, if we endorse you, it will be expected that you carry and implement the agenda.

Richard Briggs recognized this tactic and refused the money.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Two clarifications:
    (1) I believe they did have a press release in KNS about their interviews, process, meeting place, and supposed goals (Georgiana).

    (2) Having been to one of the interviews, there was no declaration of agenda or expectations. If they had an agenda and were looking for those to execute it (today I saw one accusation that they were looking for pro-metro-govt people), I wasn't politically savvy enough to figure that out. :)

    Would inviting the media have been helpful? From the format of the interview, I don't see how it would have been much different from other media coverage of candidates. WBIR's questionnaire went into more depth than the PAC did on major issues.

    This is a great blog and always a fun read- keep on keepin on!
