Sunday, January 13, 2008

One on One With Hubert Smith

Well, Friday night at 9:00 p.m. the debut live call in television show One on One with Hubert Smith aired on CTV Comcast Channel 12.

I was honored to be one of the two guests for the debut broadcast. Rich Hailey of the blog Shots Across The Bow was on the panel. We discussed this thing called blogs and the impact they have with politics, media and our everyday lives.

There were are so many more qualified people than me to discuss this medium that I found in 2004, thanks to Jake Mabe over at Pull Up a Chair for introducing me to this thing called a blog. An example of those more qualified than me are the husband and wife blogging team of Domestic Psychology and Reality Me. But, I have a hard time turning down media opportunities. LOL.

Great job, Hubert. Brian's Blog wishes you much success with your show. Maybe a weight loss New Years show is appropriate for the this coming Friday nights show. Just kidding.


  1. Thank you for such an awesome compliment! Btw, I think we have the show recorded on our DVR if you have the urge to re-watch it. Not sure if I could get it to another medium though.

  2. You certainly have earned the compliment. I aspire to be just like you, o.k. similar to you when I grow up. I just have a hard time raising the three children I have, so I can't be just like you.

    My parents obtained internet just before Christmas. They read the post and recorded for me. My mom brought it to this past week, I actually watched it last night. I am my own worst critic. I have some serious critics btw.

    With my parents having internet, now. Do you think that I need to start watching my blogging. Nah.

  3. Watch the blogging? No way! It still throws me now and then when someone approaches me and says "I saw your blog" My first reaction is to ask them "uh, do you still respect me?" But I am who I am and that's all I portray on my site. Perhaps they get to read some humor or thoughts that just wouldn't come up in conversation in real life. I think it would be different if I had chosen to portray a character. I think some people, like Loren Feldman of, put on faces not unlike some of the shock jocks that we hear on the radio. They are portraying characters. And the people in real life that find them online might not be capable of separating the character from the real person.

    Nah. The rents will enjoy the blogging as is.
