Sunday, January 27, 2008

School Board Endorsements

In tomorrow's community tabloid editions, you will find ads for the two School Board candidates. One ad boast a list of 70 plus names of supporters, a quick review of the list reveal that over 75% of the individuals do not reside within the Fifth District School Board district. While the candidate boast of working together, there is no current or former County Commissioner or the County Mayor representing the funding body that endorses her candidacy. There is no current or former member of the Tennessee Legislative body (State House or State Senate) that has endorsed the candidate that boast that for the past three years her "tireless" efforts of working with the legislature. A likely candidate for the current vacancy of Superintendent is on the list.

Update: A Brian's Blog reader sent an email after one hour of this being posted that there is a name on the list that has a criminal incident and background. While there may be some concern, we are cautious in digging into the backgrounds of private citizens, even though they have now potentially placed themselves in a line of fire.

The other candidate has an ad with two endorsements from two of the three State Representatives that co-represent the district.

Which candidate is likely to achieve more? Someone with the encouragement and endorsement of the individuals that have worked with the incumbent and they recognize that they work best with the challenger. They recognize that the challenger has the best interest of the children in working to better the schools.

Here is what the Legislators had to say about the challenger, not the incumbent.

"Laurie Alford will be an energetic and effective advocate for the children of the 5th District. Laurie also has innovative ideas that will make our school system more effective and efficient for the taxpayers of Knox County. I’m happy to support her entry into public service."

"I support Laurie Alford for the 5th District School Board seat. As a parent of a son in public schools, she has the proper perspective on education policy for this community."

Remember, when you vote in this era of change, make your vote for change for the right position.

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