Sunday, January 13, 2008

South Doyle Homeowners Association Candidate Meet and Greet on Saturday

It was a great event. I first met a pocket of Democrats when I first entered the cafeteria. Robert Bratton, Democrat candidate for Trustee. Ken Irvine, Democrat candidate for Criminal Court Judge. Randy Tyree, Democrat candidate for Sheriff.

And then there was Fred Sisk, Roger Kane, Hobart Lumpkin, Steve Hill and Steve Rogers, all Republicans for Trustee. Alan Steele representing his father L.B. Steele a candidate for Trustee was there as well.

Mike Lowe and Phil Ballard, Republican candidates for Property Assessor candidates were there. It was a home field advantage for Lowe as he is from South Knox having attended Doyle High School. Democrat Andrew Graybeal was in attendance as well and it was a pleasure meeting him.

Jimmy J.J. Jones was there and the kids flocked to see their Sheriff. It is always good to see my friend, J.J. I talked to Randy Tyree and told him although he is a Democrat, I personally like him. But, I have to support J.J. Randy understands that.

Sherry Witt, Republican candidate for Register of Deeds was there. Democrat Scott Emge had indicated that he would be there, however, he didn't show.

John Owings and Bill Lockett attended. John Owings had a lot of volunteers wearing green and white shirts and sweat shirts.

General Sessions Judge Bob R. McGee, a Republican candidate for Criminal Court Judge was well received.

I talked with Tim Greene, a Republican candidate for County Commission in South Knox County. Mike Brown, a candidate for County Commission was there. However, I never got a chance to speak to him. I understand that Vernon Rose, another candidate for County Commission was there, but I never saw him.

It was great to see my friends Commissioner Paul Pinkston and his lovely wife Dorothy. It is always a pleasure to spend time with them.

Then we move to the Knox County Clerks race.

Mike McMillan was there.

Scott Moore and his wonderful wife Lorie and their daughter were there. Scott was the hit as it seemed everybody wanted to talk to Scott and he was the last one to leave as the citizens just kept talking and spending time with Scott. A lot of Scott Moore signs were distributed yesterday to individuals that placed them in their yards.

Foster Arnett and his wife came in a little later than the 10:00 a.m. start.

Bryan Bates was represented the entire time by Jeannie Matthews and Bryan came in from another event and spent the better part of the morning there.

Democrat George Stooksbury was there early and left.

Democrat Amy Henley Vandergriff came and spent nearly the entire morning there. She was warmly received. She is a promising star. I told her that if for some odd reason she does not win the Democrat nomination that I would like to have her as a Republican candidate for an elective office in 2010. In my conversation with her yesterday, our first meeting by the way, she has an in depth knowledge of the Clerk's office, she has a passion to do the right things for her community. Rarely does a candidate come along that is someone that can motivate the citizens to act. Vandergriff has that potential.

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