Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Who At Knox County Schools Exposed Staff Members To Unsafe Road Conditions This Morning

I woke up in Charlotte, NC this morning. I flew over yesterday morning, had business meetings all day yesterday and today and flew home this evening. One of our Brian's Blog staff left this message at the Brian's Blog headquarters following Knox County's morning fiasco of bad weather.

"I'm glad to know our Knox County schools central office administrators know soooo much more than Knoxville Police Department, TDOT, and the Knox Co. Sheriff's Dept.

All those agencies have told the public to stay off the roads, unless it is absolutely necessary.

Since when did Inservice days become absolutely necessary?"

The likely suspect, Russ Oaks. The one guy whose job it is to be the Public Information Officer. The guy who on January 9, 2008 was asked by Brian's Blog to provide information that is subject to the Open Records Act. But, because he is stalling, has not produced the information in 13 days.

The word around the courthouse is that he is the guy responsible for leaking information that violated FERPA laws and is responsible for the character assassination of numerous administrators over the last couple of years.

Word left on the Brian's Blog voicemail and email are that the employees involved in vehicle accidents this morning will be calling the Superintendent's office beginning tomorrow morning, complaining about the inactions of the Public Information Officer.

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