Thursday, February 21, 2008

County Commission First District Appointment

Commissioner Thomas Strickland nominated Sam McKenzie. Commissioner Mark Harmon nominated Therea Cox. Commissioner Tony Norman nominated Robert Boyd. Commissioner R. Larry Smith nominated Albert Baah. Commissioners Ivan Harmon, Mike Hammond, Greg Lambert all voiced support for McKenzie.

Citizen Jim Golden nominated himself. Albert Baah nominated Pete Drew. Albert Baah spoke and asked that his name be withdrawn from consideration. Baah also said that it is wrong for Sam McKenzie to be nominated and selected as a Commissioner, while he faces a Republican in the general election. Baah also challenged some sitting Commissioners in stating that certain Commissioners should exempt themselves from voting on McKenzie.

Pete Drew spoke and he said all of my life I have fought against a corrupt process. What is happening here isn't right, fair or just. Drew said that there exist a conspiracy of low expectation in certain parts of our community. Commissioner R. Larry Smith pointed to McKenzie garnering 42% of the Democrat vote to justify his vote. Drew said you are justifying an unjust process. Drew also stated this was an abuse of process.

Sam McKenzie, Robert Boyd and Therea Cox both spoke on their own behalf. Albert Baah asked to speak and Strickland obviously frustrated said you have had your time. Commissioner Leuthold made a motion to give Baah two additional minutes. Baah again challenged the Commission's king making attempts.

Look for Baah to run a campaign in the general election as the only candidate in the first district as a candidate of change and the only "outsider". The only "outsider" in the first district that is not part of the good ole boy network.

By a vote of 10 for McKenzie and 1 for Boyd. McKenzie was selected. Interestingly enough, Mark Harmon nominated Cox but did not vote for her, his nominee.

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