Thursday, February 28, 2008

Preliminary P-Card Audit Released This Morning

This morning in response to an Open Records Request from WBIR, the Knox County Independent Auditor released the preliminary p-card audit on the Knox County Mayor's office. You can locate it and read it here.

The Knox County Mayor's office is expected to have until March 14, 2008 to respond. The Knox County Independent Auditor will have until March 28, 2008 to release the final report with findings and recommendations. By then we all will have the audit committed to memory.


  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Did you notice that the guys that have mastered the mis spending practices of county tax dollars all contributed to Karen Carson. They like Karen adore alcohol.

    Didn't know if an audit on the school board travel should be launched to see what Karen does on her trips to China, San Francisco, washington D.C. and other cities.

    Did she eat and drink at the Palm this week when she went to Nashvile?

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Last call for alcohol. Who will be first, Karen or the others. Who will be last Karen or the others.

    Dan H.

  3. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I noticed that Karen Carson had supporters that wound up in the p-card audit.

    Birds of a feather flock together.
