Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ruthie Kuhlman..If She Can't Win You With Kindess, She Will Beat It Out Of You

This from the Metro Pulse.

Winning Friends

On a recent Sunday morning, Democratic attorney Dennis Francis opined, on WBIR’s Inside Tennessee show, that Democrat Finbarr Saunders would win the 4th District Commission seat over Republican Ruthie Kuhlman.

Francis was having lunch at Long’s Drugstore in Bearden a few days later when he was abruptly slapped on the back and upbraided by Kuhlman for his pick. Kuhlman noted she had handily defeated Richard Cate in the primary and would win the general election as well. Something about kicking Finbarr’s ass.

She slapped a card on the table with her campaign address and instructed Francis to send her a check for $1,000 for her campaign. Francis, who says he had never met the Republican candidate and says the conversation may have been an attempt at humor, does intend to write a check—but will send it to Saunders.


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    As someone that lives in the 4th district and have heard her speak publicly, this is just another reason why I didn't vote for her in the primary and will not in the general!

  2. Brian -

    Ruthie's only fault there is that she actually cared what Dennis Francis had to say. No one else does.

    What I really am concerned about is that the former Knox County GOP Chair has obviously endorsed a borderline communist in Finbarr Saunders and an incompetent, unqualified Democrat in Amy Vandergriff.

    One only has to scroll back through your previous posts to see where you're going with this.

    I'm sure you have your reasons, but I just hope that they are the right reasons.



  3. Rob:

    The lie has been spreading that as former GOP Chairman I have endorsed Amy Henley Vandergriff. That is not the case.

    I was a blogger before I was Chairman and I am a blogger after I served as Chairman. As you will remember, I had a disclosure on my blog that the views on my blog do not reflect the views of the party or the Chairman of the party.

    I will note that in 1998 a former KnoxGOP Chairman did in fact publically endorse a Democrat candidate for Chancellor.

    I have no intention as former Chairman to endorse anyone, Republican or Democrat. If that changes I will make it public.
