Saturday, February 23, 2008

Senator McCain and Myself

The day before Bob Corker was elected as the next United States Senator from Tennessee. Senator John McCain came to Knoxville. At the time, I was the Knox County Republican Party Chairman. My friend County Commissioner Craig Leuthold took this picture of Senator McCain and myself.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Good photo! It's always fun to meet and talk with the folks that we normally only see on TV. It's been my experience that it's a real thrill to discover that they're real people just like us!


  2. Thanks Steve.

    However, I would venture to guess that McCain if were to read the things that you and friends over at the local liberal blog say about me that he would not think that he and I are alot alike. But, then again, the lies that were printed about him in the New York Times and the stuff you and yours write on the local liberal blog, maybe we are alot alike.

    McCain is a national hero, having endured being in captivity. So, no I would in no way say we are alot alike. He is a national hero and I ain't.
