Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Board Chair "Pilot is Not Connected To Schools"

In response to the Knox County Board Chair's comment in a Friday interview with Hayes Hickman of the News-Sentinel where the Board Chair said that the anonymous donor of the airplane is someone not connected to schools. In this post from Sunday March 23, 2008 we listed six ways that Pilot Corporation is connected to the Knox County School District.

Here is the link to the editorial written by Mitch Steenrod, senior vice-president and chief financial officer of Pilot Travel Centers LLC. A Haslam owned entity.

In addition, Brian's Blog has received a copy of a communication sent to the board members from Mitch Steenrod. The email below was sent to all board members with a copy to Mike Edwards, Chamber President.

Subject: Superintendent Candidates
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 18:45:43 -0400

Honorable Members of Knox County School Board,

Thank you for allowing the Chamber an opportunity to talk with each of the three finalists in the superintendent search. All three were very thoughtful and composed.In my opinion, James McIntyre would be my choice for the position. He had a clear vision of accountability and measurement. He also had a great handle on developmental curriculum and understands the teaching environment in an underserved area.Again, thank you for the opportunity and best of luck with the decision.

Mitch Steenrod
Pilot Travel Centers LLC

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