Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Here is a School Board That Knows How To Hire a Superintendent

Here in Knox County a reasonable person would conclude that the fix is in for Brian Bingelli. A free anonymous corporate jet to taxi he and his wife around, a community forum held during the Tennessee basketball game, a site visit that wasn't a site visit, on and on and on and on.

If it is enough to frustrate the two entities that rarely agree on anything, (Sandra Clark at the Shopper and Brian's Blog) it has to be painful to the other two finalists James McIntyre and Robert Thomas. It is their reputation and livelihood that is at stake, here.

But just to the southwest of Knox County, over in Loudon County the school board there are replacing Edward Headlee. Headlee was first elected in the 1970's and was re-elected until the state law changed in the early 1990's and Headlee was appointed. Last year, he announced his retirement and the board began the process. They are now down to six and they know how to do a Superintendent selection. With the exception of a lone renege complainer, Van Shafer.

Check out today's News-Sentinel article about the Loudon County process, here. Then compare the actions and statements of Bobby Johnson, Chair of the Loudon County School Board and the actions and statements of Karen Carson, Chair of the Knox County School Board. And it show that Loudon County could teach Knox County a thing or ten.

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