Thursday, March 13, 2008

Knox Charter Petition Group's Donor List...Not Exactly The Public

At yesterday's County Commission workshop. The Knox Charter Petition Group after being asked turned over their donor list. Gary Drinnen, Kathy Hamilton and Lurens Tullock could not identify who Strategic Partners were. It is hard to imagine that they would not know who gave 10% of their income, but that is what they said.

The group announced yesterday that one of their committee members, Brian Paone has resigned from the group.

Strategic Partners - $5,000
Tim W. Williams - $5,000
H. Pat Wood - $5,000
Richard B. Ray - $5,000
James Clayton - $5,000
Sherri P. Lee - $5,000
A. David Martin - $5,000

Bertelkamp Automation Inc. - $2,500
Brad Hill - $2,500
William G. Knight - $2,500
Sharon Miller-Pryse $2,500
Larry Mauldin - $2,500

Jefferson Chapman - $1,000
Sharon Miller - $1,000

Joseph E. Johnson - $500

Nancy Dyar - $178.66

Carol A. Parnell - $125
Don H. Parnell - $125

Edythe McNabb - $100

James F. Lamb - $50
Linda Willen - $50
Amy Williams - $50
George Smee - $50

R. Culver Schmid - $25
Lisa Starbuck - $25

Fred R. Arrington III - $20

Ginna M. Mashburn - $10

Thomas L. Jensen - amount not listed


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Heh, just check out this week's publisher's editorial in the Focus to see why Paone resigned...

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Are these members not the public? Is the definiton of public based on money, or lack thereof?
