Sunday, March 16, 2008

Knox Countians Want An Insider

Check out the online poll at WBIR's website. The TalkBack Opinion Poll is Which of the three final candidates would be your pick for Knox County Superintendent?

Brian Bingelli
James McIntyre
Bob Thomas

As of this hour on Sunday March 16, 2008 2476 citizens have voted. 1957 citizens want Bob Thomas, 460 citizens want Brian Bingelli and only 59 citizens want James McIntyre.

Brian's Blog has been asked about our coverage of Karen Carson. Brian Hornback has worked with Karen Carson since the early 1990's in community organizations. Even serving as the Parliamentarian while she served as President of one organization. Brian Hornback has witnessed what now Sandra Clark of the Shopper News points out in tomorrow's edition of the West Side Shopper.

"I am disappointed in my friends on the school board, in people I respect such as Karen Carson, who rated Wright a zero."

Sandra also points out that under Karen Carson's leadership as Chair during the Superintendent finalist selection. "Four members, on a written ballot, made 10 identical choices on head-to-head comparisons. What are the odds? The four walked into the room with Sonic cups."........"Carson, Anderson, Thomas Deakins and Dan Murphy want somebody who’s not from around here."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    After reading this and Sandra's article I will say that her sentiment rings true with a West Knoxville Principal (that I have a lot of respect for) that told me Donna Wright deserved the job...
