Saturday, March 01, 2008

KNS Saturday Editorials

Today's Knoxville News Sentinel had two guest editorials. It seemed like former School Board member day on the editorial page.

Here is former Roane County School Board Member James "Jim" Leitnaker guest editorial on reading early and often to children. Mr. Leitnaker is a very conscientious former member of the Roan County School Board. His editorial starts out about a guest speaker at a community club meeting and when he asked a question, she abruptly responded with a non answer. In his guest editorial he discusses the 90% reading goal and offers a suggestion for the next Superintendent of Schools for Knox County Schools. A very good guest editorial.

Here is a guest editorial from Oliver "Buzz" Thomas a former member of the Maryville School Board. While Buzz like Mr. Leitnaker served at the same time of my service on the Knox County board. While I agree with several of Buzz's points, I would disagree with the "bottom line" of his guest editorial. Over the past decade or two, money and more money has been thrown into public education while we have experienced diminishing results. The answer is more accountability with more dollars. In Buzz's world it is just opening up and writing a check to be thrown into the black hole of bureaucracy of public education.

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