Friday, March 07, 2008

Question About Open Meeting Requirement of the Knox County School Board

A question has been asked of me and I had no answer. I hope that asking the question here, will highlight the issue and hopefully the Knoxville News-Sentinel and their attorney will consider the question.

Can a local legislative body vote in secret? The Knox County School Board earlier this week had 12 finalist for Superintendent of Schools. They voted in secret to narrow the field of candidates to 5. The voting consisted of each of the 9 board members being given an index card. On this card each board member wrote 5 - 6 names and turned them in to William Newman of Ray and Associates. Mr. Newman went to the back of the room and tabulated the results and he announced the five finalists to the board.

What would have been the reaction if the 11 members of the Knox County Commission on February 20, 2008 had taken an index card and written down the name of their choice for the fourth commission district seat?

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