Sunday, March 23, 2008

School Board Member - Elect Bill Phillips Will Have His Say

School Board Member - Elect Bill Phillips is quoted in the Sentinel story this morning. His comments are buried at the end of the story. Certainly it was an attempt by News-Sentinel editors to silence Board Member - Elect Bill Phillips after all yesterday they quoted a former school board member (Jim McClain) saying that for rookies, the old general rule is shut up and be quiet.

They will not silence Bill Phillips here is what he posted on the knoxnews website as a comment on the story. You can read it here forever, because as soon as the knoxnews website figures out it is there, they will remove it.

This is what I wanted for News Sentinel to pick up on.

1. Mr. Haslam is City Mayor
2. Mr. Anderson is appointed by the City Mayor.
3. Mr. Anderson took A Candidate to the Mayors office for a private meeting with the mayor.4. Mr. Haslam should know that Sam Anderson is on the School board.
5. Mr. Anderson is taking care the city for sure ( FIVE VOTE SAM )
6. Here are some hints Haslam = City = Schools = Sam Anderson =school board = candidate = private meeting = planes = spending = McIntyre.

Please meet your New Superintendent of the new metro school system. People we need to wake up !!!!!! if someone from the county had done this, it would have been all over the front page. I have one message to send ( others parts of the county east,north,south have needs also ) I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO PROVIDE THE 8TH DISTRICT THE NEW SCHOOLS THAT THEY HAVE BEEN PROMISED FOR YEARS !!!! Now here is another hint for this paper ( sunshine law ) lets see what they do with the hint )

Bill Phillips
Corryton Tn

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