Sunday, March 09, 2008

School Superintendent Selection: Should Karen Carson Recuse Herself?

Karen Carson on February 5, 2008 garnered a majority of the votes cast in the Fifth District School Board primary election. She must win a majority of votes in the balloting of the general election on August 7, 2008. She will be unopposed on the ballot. However, she must have more votes than any announced write-in candidate.

Mrs. Carson held a political rally and reception as part of her campaign on January 28, 2008. Here was the Brian's Blog post prior to that event. There were at least three of our Brian's Blog contributors that attended and reported back the sights, sounds and going ons at the reception and rally. It was reported to Brian's Blog on the evening of the rally and reception that one of the attendees was Donna Wright. Donna Wright is one of the five finalists for the job of Superintendent of Knox County Schools. Her interview will be held tomorrow from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. At the time of the rally and reception, it is reasonable to conclude that Donna Wright intended to apply.

Now, you may say well her application is dated February 14, 2008. The event was 17 days before the application. O.k. you are right to point that out. However, I will point out that two of Donna Wright's reference letters are dated for February 7, 2008, which was 7 days following the political rally and reception. In order for Mr. Raja Jubran and Lana "I was forced to resign from Bredesen's cabinet" Seviers to write letters dated February 7, 2008. They were asked for the reference letters prior to the election and rally/reception. Click here to view Donna Wright's application and reference letters.

Our sources could not confirm nor deny that Donna Wright placed a campaign contribution for the campaign of Karen Carson.

Certainly the appearance warrants Karen Carson recusing herself from voting for the finalist. Also, the practice of secret balloting by the School Board for narrowing the candidates from 12 - 5 is becoming more problematic.

With all Knox County has gone through the last year or so. It is important that all of our public officials conduct themselves in an open and transparent manner. So far, Carson has been operating in a good ole' boy/gal backroom manner.

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