Monday, March 24, 2008

We Predicted It and Our Readers Respond

Brian's Blog predicted what happened at the school board tonight. All the while three innocent individuals were placed in the middle, Brian Bingelli, James McIntyre and Robert Thomas. The airplane ride from Pilot Corporation corrupted the Bingelli candidacy. Thus the only "outsider" left standing was James McIntyre.

Here are sample responses received from two of our readers tonight.

You were right. Can we sue because those four violated the Sunshine Act in their Sonic deliberations?

I hope people can get together to find candidates to run against all four of those who voted for McIntyre.

It is appalling arrogance that can only explain their decision to choose a candidate who has ONE (1) year of classroom teaching experience.

As gas, food, and all other prices continue to rise, we now are obligated to pay the next superintendent nearly a quarter of a million dollars annually, thanks to those four members on the school board.

Since it has been proclaimed over and over again how what goes on in the classroom is the most important thing, why did the school board make this decision? I agree with you that it has to do with metro government, but I believe it also has to do with certain members of the school board wanting to buy the superintendent's loyalty.

Without any connections to Knox County Schools, McIntyre will be wholely dependent on those school board members who elected him, and that will suit them just fine. Just as Coach Anderson cared for Lindsey, which he repayed by putting all the magnet schools in Coach Anderson's district (and they have failed to live up to anyone's expectations), these school board members are looking out for McIntyre. Wonder what the pay off is this time?

Let's see if we can run substantial candidates against these four.

and the second said

You nailed it, for sure, Brian..... right down to the Haslam connection.

I'm so thankful that I don't have to go through another new Super! Guess there were lots not willing to do it, judging by the retirements.

And I will never vote for Metro Government!

Thanks for the good coverage on all things political.

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