Monday, April 07, 2008

Fourth District Forum on Charter Ammendments

Tonight at the fourth district forum, Gene Patterson of WATE was introduced. Only one person clapped, prompting Gene to remark "that is my mother."

The only problem is the one woman is Ruthie Kulhman. The one thing that Gene and Ruthie share is that they are both former employees of Victor H. Ashe, former Mayor of Knoxville. So, Gene and Ruthie must certainly share a kinship.

My friend Logan Brummitt introduced me to Brandon Clarke of Knoxify and YPK. It was great meeting Brandon. My friend, Knox County Sheriff Jimmy "J.J" Jones was in attendance and as always it was a pleasure seeing and talking to him. My friend Tammy White was there and I spent a considerable amount of time catching up with what is new with her.

I met Kathy Bryant tonight and had a good conversation with Amy Broyles and Finbarr Saunders.


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I hadn't heard about this. Who planned the event? Any others scheduled for other districts?


    Pamela Treacy

  2. This forum was planned by Commissioners Elaine Davis and William Daniels.

    I will find out if others are planned and post them if there are more forums.
