Saturday, April 05, 2008

Knox County Lincoln Day Dinner and Foster Arnett, Junior

Last evening, the Knox County Republican Party held its annual Lincoln Day Dinner. Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog was unable to attend due to a previously scheduled family and friend commitment. However, several Brian's Blog sources and correspondents attended.

The one thing that all sources and correspondents agreed on was that Foster Arnett, Junior the Republican candidate for County Clerk appeared uncomfortable and irritated to be at the event. One source even overheard him say, I really do not like these events.


  1. Brian -

    C'mon, this is inaccurate.

    There is no such thing as the "Knox County Republican Party Lincoln Day," and you know it. The local party has nothing whatsoever to do with this event, which is why they will be broke by the end of the year without someone reaching into their own pocket and bailing them out.



  2. Rob,

    The office of the Knox County Republican Party distributed the tickets and helped coordinate the event. The ladies in the KCRP were even thanked during the dinner last evening.

    So, we will disagree and I will maintain that I am accurate and that you saying it is inaccurate is simpoly not true.

    While the profits from the Lincoln Day Dinner are maintained in a seperate checking account and is used for the primary purpose of electing countywide Republican candidates. It has been an event of the KCRP for as long as I have been involved (1982, I was 16).

    The creation of an office is a recent addition to the party and not a function of the designated fund proceeds from the Lincoln Day Dinner.
