Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rob Huddleston Has an Ax To Grind..and It Appears That I Am The Collateral Damage

Rob Huddleston, another blogger that lives and practices law in these parts. Has taken an opportunity to attack the Republican nominee for President. Saying that he ain't supporting McCain. So, Rob is evidently supporting Obama or Hillary. Don't know which one, but that is where he is leading. If he ain't supporting McCain.

In the same post. He says that I am supporting two Democrats and actively opposing two Republican candidates. He asks the question if it is a Republican on Republican crime. This is the farthest thing from fact. It is a work of fiction on Rob and his sources part.

I have posted this at least twice. So here is the third time. Hopefully lawyer, Rob will understand it a third time. Because he didn't get it the first two times.

The Republican on Republican crime is from one Ruthie Kulhman. Kulhman a Republican candidate for County Commission in the fourth district has contributed enough money to a Democrat candidate in August to make it on the financial disclosure of Republican candidate Brad Anders opponent's disclosure. If a Republican on Republican crime has occurred it is Kulhman supporting Anders general election opponent.

As for Arnett. I have sent word through at least 10 of Foster's people that if he has questions of me. Than he needs to call or email me. It appears that Arnett is skeered (that is scared in Knox County, Rob) to contact me. Arnett is an old protege of Victor Ashe and we all know how that Republican story goes. They ain't many Republicans in that there group.

It appears that Rob, probably not aware of it has become a close ally to the last remaining remnant of Tyler Harber. That appears to be his source for this erroneous information.


  1. Brian -

    You have got to be kidding. No one was my "source," as you put it. I merely read the rantings over here on Brian's Blog.

    If there is a source, sir, it is you.



  2. Rob

    It is no coincidence that you are serving in a leadership position with the one last remaining Tyler Harber protege over at the YR's. The same last remaining protege that was involved in campaign consultation with the turncoat Republican candidate Ruthie Kuhlman.

    Again, if you read my posts as you say that you did. You can not say that I am supporting Democrats. It just ain't so.

  3. Brian -

    I am certainly no leader for YRs. I agreed to take the Treasurer position only because no one else was interested in doing it, but I haven't been able to function in any way with my position there.

    And I assume that you are talking about Ben Farmer? I can only guess, as Ben and I have never spoke of Tyler Harber or anything else of the like. We have spoken about Ruthie, and it is clear that Ben is supporting her. Not sure that is much a surprise, though.

    And aren't you supporting Democrats by blasting Kuhlman and Arnett over here? Last time I checked, they were in two-horse races.



  4. Now Rob is changing his tune, He is asking me the question. "Aren't you supporting Democrats by blasting away at Kulhman and Arnett?"

    I will answer Rob.

    No. Rob I am not supporting Democrats by publishing the facts of Ruthie Kulhman's campaign contribution to a Democrat. And for the record, as a blogger reporting the truth about candidates and their actions is not blasting them.

    Now, ole Rob may sit on true and factual information to protect candidates that he likes or doesn't like. But that is not the way that Brian's Blog operates.

    So, Rob can now issue an apology for falsely claiming that I am supporting Democrats.
