Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sandra "Tabloid Bully Editor Girl" Clark Lies and Lies Again

I was notified yesterday that the local liberal blog had a post entitled Missing Hornback? A portion of Rob Huddleston's blog Voluntarily Conservative was the subject of the post. In Rob's post, he is discussing the state of the local Republican Party. The Chair is Ms. Irene McCrary and 1st Vice Chair is Corey Johns. They have been leading the Knox County Republican Party since March 2007, over a year ago.

In a comment the "tabloid bully editor girl" proceeds to spew her hate speech for me. So, in response, I will post why she and Betty Bean are always cyber stalking me with their hate speech.

In 2006, when I was Chairman of the Knox County Republican Party, the incumbent Commissioner from the Seventh district Mary Lou Horner was running for re-election. Sandra was at the time and had been for Mary Lou's entire political career performed the role of Mary Lou's campaign manager. Their opponents in 2006 were James McMillian and R. Larry Smith. There were some nasty postcards being mailed to super female voters in the district. As Chairman, I had frank discussions with all three candidates, informing them that if I discovered that a candidates campaign was behind them. Then I would hold a press conference publicly exposing the candidate. We were never able to determine if one of the three candidates were behind the cards. The cards did stop for a couple of weeks after I talked to all three candidates.

In response to the TN Supreme Court decision, they convinced Mary Lou to issue a press release saying that she was suspending her campaign. Shortly afterword Mary Lou contacted me requesting that as Chairman that I conduct a press conference informing the public that they could still vote for the incumbent and that the party would select the nominee if the elected incumbent is removed from office.

Within three weeks of R. Larry Smith winning the Republican nomination, I was the primary figure in one of the three parts of Betty Bean's "County Confidential". All of the information pertaining to me was a work of fiction that violated three different journalistic code of ethics. I met with Sandra and her publisher in November 2006 and was assured that this breach of journalistic ethics will not occur in the future.

So since November 2006, Betty and Sandra have resorted to doing so on the local liberal blog. However, in March of 2007, though I was asked to run for Chairman again. I declined. I am and have been a private citizen for over a year.

During my term as Chairman, we held multiple fundraisers. We re-located the office to a high traffic area that was handicapped accessible, the office that I inherited as Chairman had a huge overhead cost and anyone in a wheelchair or walker was unable to enter the office. We held many different unity events in bringing the party back together. The previous Chairman had the party in throws of disunity. Immediately following my unanimous election as Chairman, he and Sandra began a furious media campaign effort to undo my election. In May and August 2006, the party was unified with a campaign ticket that resulted in every incumbent Republican winning re-election with the exception of Commissioner David Collins. We battled and beat the Democrats "Orange Ballot" It was a great time in bringing the party together. All of the fabrications, gossip and lies that Sandra posts or writes can not undo the facts.

Additionally for the record, as Chairman I am not the treasurer, I am Chairmab. Had I been informed that the parties account needed additional funds, I would have held a meeting and together we would have developed a plan. Immediately following my departure, Chair McCrary asked the 12 Republican Clubs and Republican elected officials to kick in dollars. The Chair also requested that all Republican candidates to pay $100 for the February 5, 2008 election night party. Having been Chairman for at least 4 election night victory parties. That money from every Republican candidate should have the party far from bankruptcy. The overhead at the 640 building is considerably less than the non-ADA compliant offices that the previous Chairman had secured.

I did not post this on the local liberal blog, because it would have been removed by the site administrator. And before Sandra can remove her lies about me, I am copying and pasting them here below. The link to the local liberal blog post and comments is located here.

GOP politics
Submitted by Sandra Clark on Thu, 2008/04/10 - 10:53am.

Interesting discussion. For my two cents, Hornback spent the money Chad Tindell raised for the GOP and didn't replenish the larder. He failed at the most basic task of a party chair -- did he leave the job better or worse than he found it?

Brian left $312 in the party treasury.

Those like myself, who have been around forever, recall that the Lincoln Day Dinner previously was the major fund-raiser for the county party. During R. Larry Smith's one-term tenure as party chair, the LDD was taken away by the county officeholders because they wanted the proceeds to benefit candidates, not the sign-printing, banner-making, letterhead producing p.r. type stuff that Smith was buying.

Ironically, I supported Larry over his then-foe Tim Burchett. Larry won the party chair's race and Burchett went on to win election as state representative and then state senator.

Gosh, had Tim beaten Larry, we might have seen Burchett selling insurance and Smith in the State Senate. Be careful what you wish for! -- s.

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