Monday, April 21, 2008

School Board Votes For a Capital Budget for FY 2009 ONLY

In a substitute motion Board Member Cindy Buttry proposed that the School Board approve a capital plan for FY 09 only. That is Fiscal Year 2009, which would be July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009. The substitute motion passed after Robert Bratton's 8 cent property tax increase substitute motion failed.

Buttry's motion made perfect sense, in that the board has NEVER followed a five year plan in the first place. And it will allow the NEW School Board Member Bill Phillips to be involved with the next capital plan that the NEW Superintendent Dr. James McIntyre will assist in building.

Dr. McIntyre attended the board meeting this evening and made a very positive impression with the multiple Brian's Blog sources that interacted with the new Superintendent.

A couple of our sources also witnessed several board members and Dr. McIntyre following the board meeting at a popular downtown establishment.

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