Wednesday, May 07, 2008

If A Law Is Broken. Is It Really Broken?

I have already received word tonight that a School Board Member is blowing off the boards oversight of televising the expulsion of a student, this evening. The question is. When the Commission was alleged to have violated the law on January 31, 2007, there was outrage. That outrage led to Jack McElroy filing a lawsuit. Now, when the School Board violated the law tonight, will there be a similar outrage from McElroy and company?

I am guessing Lola Alapo, Jack McElroy and others will overlook tonight's violation. After all it is only a violation when it is a group, you personally do not like.

After all, last October in Townsend, TN there was allot of bonding between certain media members and board members. Kind of reminded you of the ole' Cheers television sitcom. "Where everybody knows your name!"

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