Monday, May 26, 2008

Sproles Campaign Kick-Off Saturday

As we posted last week. Don Sproles, candidate for Knox County Commission, Fifth District Seat C held a Picnic Rally on Saturday. The event was held in the Cedar Bluff community at 9050 Cross Park Drive.

The picnic started at 11 a.m. and ran until 2 p.m., I arrived near 11 a.m. and had other places to go, so I was there for about 45 minutes. There were about 75 - 100 during the time that I was there. Don and his lovely wife Karen were greeting everyone and working to ensure that everyone had a good time. I enjoyed talking with both of them briefly.

The stars of the picnic were the Sproles two grandsons, one blew bubbles, while the other one took a nap. It was good to see another media personality there, Hubert Smith of The Hubert Smith Radio Show. It was also good to see and have conversation with former candidate for Second district County Commission and current community activist, Chuck Williams. I also enjoyed talking with City Council Member Chris Woodhull, County Commission candidate Finbarr Saunders and our District Attorney General's wife Laura Nichols and of course our own DA, Randy Nichols. The Nichols are also grandparents (that is hard to believe) but they had their two year old grandson with them. He kept Mrs. Nichols busy, while the DA and I talked politics. (imagine that)

When I left there were many more cars, loaded down with people coming in the parking lot. The picnic still had a good 2 - 2.5 hours left to go. So the start of the picnic proved to be successful.

The music provided by Brent Thompson and friends was exceptional. The food was marvelous. The people were the best. The hospitality of the Sproles was phenomenal. Overall, if you missed it. You missed a great event.

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