Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Summer Reading List

I have for the past three summers and will this year participate in the Farragut High School's mandatory summer reading program. This year, all students are required to read "The Man Who Planted Trees". It is located here. In addition, all students are required to select one of the four books.

1. Persepolis – The Story of a Childhood *– by Majani Satrapi
ISBN: 037571457X
2. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time **– by Mark Haddon
ISBN: 1400032717
3. Marley and Me *– by John Grogan
ISBN: 0060817097
4. The Glass Castle *– by Jeanette Walls
ISBN: 074324754X

I have just purchased the last of the four books. I will spend my summer reading all four books. My son will select one of the four to read, I have also offered to share my FHS summer library with a friend's student.

A great addition to this summer reading program is that each and every student will turn in a "report" in August after returning to school. Here is the link to the Farragut High School summer reading program. This link includes the "report form" along with the parent/guardian verification statement. This is a great improvement as it includes parent acknowledgement and accountability.

As in the past, Brian's Blog will post reviews of the book(s) as I complete them throughout the summer.

I have completed The Man Who Planted Trees, this is an excellent quick 10 minute read. The message is simple in that all good deeds, gone unnoticed proves a life well lived.


  1. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I suggested last year that this should be used as a fund raiser for the PTO. Books should be preordered at a discount and then sold for $2 above cost to the students. Easy $3000-$4000 fund raiser. Save time, gas and money.

    2000 book order is a big deal. Borders was out of books twice. I had to have them special ordered. They said the school never even notified them that they asked 2000 kids to read the same book.

    Knox County library should also be informed and purchase some books.

    Last, why not rotate or trade the books between two high schools? For example, Bearden reads one list this year and reads Farragut list next year.

    BTW, Marley and Me is a good book.

    Pamela Treacy

  2. Pamela:

    I remember your suggestion last year. I agreed with it then and I agree with it now, simply because I would be more likely to purchase it from the school (even if it cost more) if the extra proceeds were helping the school or a group at the school.

    I have to believe that the reason they selected four books to have the students select one may be because of the difficulty in obtaining copies last year. That is a guess on my part.

    I am pleased with the addition of the parent/guardian verification form.

  3. Louise Clemens3:42 PM

    Hi Pamela and Brian,

    First let me tell you how much I admire this site. Your involvement in your children's education is wonderful. Students deserve support and encouragement from all environments: in school, at home, and (here's where I come in) in the broader community.

    My name is Louise Clemens. I coordinate Business & Educator Services for Borders in Turkey Creek.

    I love the idea of a summer reading fundraiser. The process is simple, expedient, and thanks to our experience running book fairs, routine. In fact, we have already ordered large shipments of The Last Lecture and Dewey. The rest of the books are just an order form away.

    If your order totals $1,000 or more, Borders will donate 25% of the sales to FHS. For a smaller order, we’ll contribute 20%.

    I 'd love to match your enthusiasm for summer reading by helping FHS earn a little well deserved (and much needed) financial assistance. I suspect parents will appreciate the convenience, too.

    With enthusiasm,
