Friday, May 30, 2008

Why Do Elected Officials No Show?

On Wednesday afternoon the Knox County School Board hosted a budget meeting with the Knox County Commission. Actually, this was a re-scheduled meeting from a week or two ago. The previous meeting had to be postponed due to school staff illness.

The meeting on Wednesday had 3 School Board members attending. Karen Carson, Cindy Buttry and Dan Murphy. No Shows were Sam Anderson, Thomas Deakins, Indya Kincannon, Rex Stooksbury, Jim Williams and Robert Bratton. Bratton contacted Brian's Blog and explained his absence, it should be recorded as an excused absence.

The Commission had a similar record of attendance. With only 9 members attending. Those present were Samuel McKenzie, Mark Campen, Tony Norman, Elaine Davis, William Daniels, Mike Hammond, Richard Briggs, Greg Lambert and David Wright.

Last night, the School Board held its own budget meeting and the Vice Chair Indya Kincannon and Sixth District Member Thomas Deakins were no shows.

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