Tuesday, June 17, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Senator Burchett is No Longer a Single Man

This came into the Brian's Blog office via our friend Tammy White at 3:45 p.m. today.


I talked to Senator Burchett about 30 minutes ago and he told me he and Allison and their family were at Long's Drug Store having lunch and celebrating their marriage! I honestly didn't believe him so he handed the phone to his mamma and she confirmed the news that she has a new daughter-in-law!!!

Tim said he called Allison (his bride) this morning and asked her to attend the governor's press conference with him. According to Tim, Allison called him back and suggested they go get their marriage license this morning and get the Governor to perform the ceremony while he was in town. Hence..........Senator and Mrs. Tim Burchett! I am so excited for the happy couple and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness! Please join me in spreading the good news.

Best Regards-Tammy White

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Senator and Mrs. Burchett.


  1. We had this on our morning show. Very happy for them...and it's so cool they hung out at Long's afterwards!

  2. I saw your coverage teh morning after the ceremony. I did confirm with Senator and Mrs. Burchett that Brian's Blog was the official breaker of the news.
