Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Unfair Criticism of Knox County by McElroy and Crew

The guys in the metal shed on the hill (News-Sentinel) were at it again yesterday. They had a front page story trying to make Bill Haslam their favorite Republican Governor candidate look good, while making the county guys look bad. This time the county guys didn't deserve it.

The criticism is over the City of Knoxville having to pay more of the bill to end homelessness. We will now review the reason that this is unfair criticism.

First, Former City of Knoxville Mayor Victor Ashe surrendered the city's contribution to indigent care. Leaving Knox County with the responsibility to carry the total expense for indigent care. Who is covered by indigent care? The working poor and the homeless.

Second, a few years ago Knox County had proposed giving Volunteer Ministry Center a community grant. City Councilman Rob Frost opposed this grant in an action that could only be explained as a NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) reaction.

Third, Knox County has continually contributed to the Inner Faith Health Clinic while the City of Knoxville has NOT. Several Knox County Commissioners have also contributed to the Free Health Clinic in South Knox County.

Are the actions of McElroy and Crew in promoting the credentials and actions of the current City Mayor to make his a viable candidate for Governor in 2010? Is it because they believe he is a better candidate for Governor than Congressman Zach Wamp, former Senate Majority Leader Dr. Bill Frist, M.D. or is it because the current City Mayor's dad buys thousands of News-Sentinels every Friday?


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Nice to see someone finally talking about indigent care. Now if only they would pull the covers back on the ever increasing costs of the program to the county.

    Oh, it is interesting that the county can discontinue the pharmacy side of indigent care by outsourcing the entire program but doesn't lay off a single employee? That appears to be money that could be used to build another library or senior center.

  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I think the real question is how much advertising does Pilot do with Scripps media?
    Does that have influence?
    just a thought only...
    Dan Andrews
    The statements listed immediately above are the sole opinion of the noted writer of the above document.The information should be construed as an open opinion and information contained in this document represents facts to the best of the writers knowledge and should not be viewed as permanent certified fact but that as the way the information is interpreted by the opinion of the author.

  3. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Call and report McElroy to his boss. We need a new editor at the paper.


    Thanks Terry
