Saturday, July 26, 2008

News-Sentinel Lays Off Higher Paid Employees To Hire Lower Wage Employees?

Brian's Blog broke this story about 8 layoff's in the advertising department at the metal shed on the hill last weekend. One of our team members was doing some research on hotjobs. The truth be known, he was probably looking for a higher paid job then being on the Brian's Blog research team. The date of the posting is July 17, 2008. According to our sources in the News Sentinel family, the 8 employees in the advertising department were laid off on July 18, 2008. What is the strategy? Are they exchanging higher paid positions for lower wage positions? Just a question or two. Inquiring minds would like to know.

Here is the job posting, it is still active as of this day and time. July 26, 2008 2:43 p.m..

Job ID 1084
Company Name The Knoxville News Sentinel Hr. Department
Job Category Clerical/Administrative; Advertising/Public Relations
Location Knoxville, TN
Position Type Full-Time, Employee
Experience 1-2 Years Experience
Date Posted July 17, 2008

View The Knoxville News Sentinel Hr. Department profile and job listings

Responsibilities:· Assists account executives, electronic ad designers and customers in a fast paced team environment· Generate revenue through up-sell opportunities such as pick-up ads, special sections and theme pages· Prepare advertising text and electronically schedule ads· Answer telephones· Prepare correspondence and sales proposals· Work directly with customers to answer questions and quote rates· Order ad pick-up and tearsheet delivery· All other duties as assigned

Requirements:· Excellent customer service skills· Good time management· Must be a self starter, able to work independently and as a team· Proficient computer skills – Microsoft Office Suite· Minimum 55 WPM typing· Excellent spelling skills· Excellent telephone skills

Desired qualifications:· Telephone and/or face-to-face sales experience

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