Thursday, August 07, 2008

Election Day Predictions

Sheriff Jones -v- Tyree - Jones wins

County Clerk Arnett -v- Henley Vandergriff - Arnett wins but is closer than expected. Some Republican insiders are predicting a 72% win for Arnett, that won't happen. However, Brian's Blog predicts Henley Vandergriff comes back and runs again in 2010.

Register of Deeds Witt -v- Emge - Witt wins.

Trustee Sisk -v- Bratton - Too close to call.

Property Assessor Ballard -v- Graybeal -v- Bedwell - Ballard in a close one.

Criminal Court Judge Div. II McGee -v- Irvine - McGee wins.

County Commission

Dist 1A - Baah -v- McKenzie -v- Spellings - Baah with the upset of the night. No one can take credit for a Baah win except Baah himself.

Dist. 2B - Bolus -v- Broyles - Bolus wins.

Dist. 4A - Kulhman -v- Saunders - Saunders wins a close one.

Dist. 4B - Shouse -v- Drevik - Shouse wins.

Dist. 5C - Briggs -v- Sproles - This one is too close to call. But, I will not wimp out like I did on the Trustee race. Sproles wins an extremely tight race.

Dist. 6A- Anders -v- Bryant - Anders wins.

Dist. 9A - Brown -v- Ward - Ward wins.

We also predict that David Wright will be elected County Commissioner in District 8. Indya Kincannon, Cindy Buttry, Karen Carson and Bill Phillips will be elected to the school board seats that they seek. Bill Lockett will be elected Law Director. State Senator Jamie Woodson will be selected the Republican nominee for her seat. Gary Farmer will be the Democrat nominee for the same senate seat. Harry Brooks, Frank Niceley and Bill Dunn will win their Republican primaries. Rachel Ray will win the Republican primary to take on Joe Armstrong in November. Harry Tindell will win his primary.

In the contested Republican primaries in District 14 Haynes -v- Baer - Haynes wins. In District 18 Campfield -v- Katsiros -v- Leadbetter - it's a close one, but Campfield wins. In Bill Dunn's District 16 in the Democrat primary. Nicodemus -v- Meyer. Nicodemus wins.

In the hotly contested State Senate District 8 Overbey -v- Finney -v- Bishop. Overbey wins.

In the Second Congressional District John J. Jimmy Duncan, Jr wins the Republican primary and Bob Scott wins the Democrat primary.

In the U.S. Senate race Lamar Alexander wins the Republican primary. In the Democrat primary between Clayton -v- Davis -v- Eaton -v- Ladner -v- Padgett -v- Tuke. Tuke wins. Brian's Blog predicts that Mike Padgett carries Knox County overwhelmingly.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I predict Yes trounces No in the judicial retention elections.
