Monday, August 18, 2008

Is William Daniels Gone?

I thought that I heard appointed Commissioner William Daniels ask a question or two today at the Finance Committee meeting. But as I was on KGIS this evening looking up an address so that I could properly address a thank you card. I discovered that my friend in the fourth commission district is represented by Commissioners Elaine Davis and Ed Shouse. I wonder why Finbarr was left out. Oh well, if KGIS says it, it must be true. Just like if it's on the Internet, it must be accurate.

Here is what KGIS reported this evening.

County Commission: 4
Elaine Davis
Ed Shouse

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Is william Daniels gone?.....One can only hope. I am looking forward to his new book, "How to squeeze 4 years of bull#@%* into a 6 month term" due out in October. Tick, Tick, Tick, his 15 minutes of fame is almost gone.
