Saturday, August 09, 2008

Knox County Mayor Candidates in 2010

There are allot of names circulating for Knox County Mayor in 2010. The campaign will begin by at least next year, August 2009. Let's first look at the Democrats.

Former Knoxville Mayor and perennial candidate Randy Tyree. - After Thursday in failing in his second bid for the office on L1 of the City County Building. It is expected that he will begin looking for the office on the sixth floor of the City County Building.

Former Knox County Clerk and failed Democrat candidate for U.S. Senate Mike Padgett - Sources have indicated that his bid for the Democrat nomination was to test his fundraising ability and to increase his visibility and to flush his name id and reputation as an ousted term limited County Clerk with a reputation of phantom employees and office mismanagement.

Unknown Party Affiliation

Brad Hill - an early organizer with Knox Charter Petition Group is utilizing his contacts to pursue a run for Mayor.

The likely Republicans today are

Former Sheriff Tim Hutchison
State Senator Tim Burchett
County Commissioner R. Larry Smith
County Commissioner Mike Hammond
County Commissioner and Property Assessor - Elect Phil Ballard
County Clerk - Elect Foster Arnett
Former Trustee Mike Lowe
Knoxville Utilities Board Chairman and Knoxville Attorney Bruce Anderson
Former State Senator and Knoxville Attorney Bud Gilbert


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    what about you Brian? Would you run? Are you looking at the commission seat?
    Dan andrews

  2. Are you joking? My people have always told me never say never. But, it is highly unlikely. I have been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I like my role right now.

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Brad Hill? I don't think so. His company takes America jobs overseas. That is a tough sell.
