Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It Appears to be Confirmed that Obama Kissed Jill Biden on the Lips

As we posted here 25 minutes ago. I was watching CSPAN and when Obama surprisingly appeared on stage Obama kissed Jill Biden squarely on the lips. For the record she ran backstage until she had the whole Biden family. Big Joe should have slugged Obama right then, right there. He should have defended his wife's honor.

Here is what other bloggers witnessed and posted about the incident. Blatant Reality, What Should Obama Do, Deliveries from the Paperboy, So Say We All and The Madness Hamster.

Again, I repeat to Obama "that ain't cool!"


  1. Racist little prick.

  2. O.k. We commented on a factual event. We never mentioned race, so your racist tag doesn't fit.

    You obviously have never met me, I have lost quite a few pounds recently, but little is not a tag that fits.

    And then your third tag. I have been called worse. Thanks for reading and commenting.
