Wednesday, August 20, 2008

State Senate Race Begins Today..Duncan III is the Likely Replacement

With the announcement of State Senator Tim Burchett's intent to run for Knox County Mayor in 2010. That means that eyes turn to the State Senate race in 2010, to replace Senator Burchett. State Representative Stacey Campfield is expected to run for the upper chamber seat. However, inside Republican sources have contacted Brian's Blog and it appears that John J. Duncan III, the son of our popular Second District Congressman John J. "Jimmy" Duncan, Jr. is being encouraged to seek the State Senate. Young Duncan has not said No.

Brian Hornback, founder and President of Brian's Blog has already committed to a Duncan III State Senate candidacy.

Note: I am confident that Duncan III will NOT say his mentor is Ben Atchley. I sincerely believe that he will credit his father as his mentor. That my friends, is a GOOD mentor.

Now, eyes turn to Campfield's current State Representative seat. Ron Leadbetter would be expected to seek the position again. City Councilman Steve Hall is being encouraged to consider a run. Citizens for Home Rule President John Emison is also being encouraged to run.

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