Friday, August 22, 2008

Two Young Lives Lost. Are Lessons Learned? Do NOT Let Another Life Be Lost!

Within two weeks of school starting. One young man Eric Law lost his life due to move school furniture at Karns High School/Byington Solway Vocational School. Then yesterday young man Ryan McDonald lost his life in a school shooting at Central High School. A school shooting that another young man stands accused of shooting Ryan in the cafeteria.

While everyone stands around patting themselves on the back and saying this is NEVER avoidable. It helps to have an outside third party expert look and see what could have been done to potentially avoid this incident. This morning, Hallerin Hill of News Talk 100.3 had Dale Yeager a school security expert on his show to provide an on the surface review. Mr. Yeager of Seraph says that Knox County Schools FAILED.

The new Superintendent, Dr. James McIntyre and the 9 members of the Knox County School Board MUST act to ensure that NO MORE lives are lost. If they do not move in this direction. We as a community MUST force them to take actions to prevent another life from being lost in the future.

Hear the interview, here.

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