Saturday, August 23, 2008

Zach Wamp - The Rising Republican Star in Tennessee

Richard Sammon of Politics '08 has a column that is circulating amongst those of us that support our Tennessee Congressman Zach Wamp.

His August 20, 2008 column details the current Republican Stars. Like Governor Bobby Jindal, LA or Rep. Adam Putnam, Fla. Elected to Congress at age 29. He talks about Rep. Eric Cantor, Va. or Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Minn. or Sen. John Thune, S.D. or Gov. Sarah Palen, Alaska.

Here is what Sammon had to say about Rep. Zach Wamp, Tenn. "If Republicans are serious about tightening the reins on federal spending and limiting government growth, Wamp will be one of their champions. The 51-year-old lawmaker, an energetic, born-again Christian popular with evangelicals, has been on a mission to cut spending throughout his 14-year congressional career, much of which has been on the Appropriations Committee. He rankled his leadership by trying in 2003 to convert President Bush's spending request for Iraq into a loan. He's been an early promoter of alternative energy. Wamp is also a self described fitness freak, sponsoring legislation, for instance, that would give special tax breaks to companies who actually pay their employees to work out. He'll probably run for governor in 2010."

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