Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blast From The Past: Commissioner Briggs Cries Fowl.

Originally Posted on 9/12/2008: Earlier this week it was reported that Commissioner Richard Briggs is complaining that the re-organization of the County Commission on August 29, 2008 was a violation of the Open Meetings Law aka The Sunshine Law.

Commissioner Briggs in an interview with another media outlet stated that he filed the compliant (a letter to Chairman Strickland) on behalf of new Commissioner(s) that had complained to him about it. So, Brian's Blog has called all 7 of the new Commissioners to find out which one(s) had complained to Briggs.

Commissioner Mike Brown of the Ninth District said the first he knew about it was when he read it in the paper.

Commissioner Ed Shouse of the Fourth District said that he did not complain, he thought it was odd the way that it was done. But no conversation with Briggs.

Commissioner Finbarr Saunders of the Fourth District said that he did not complain to Briggs. He was not pleased with the process. But he didn't complain to Briggs.

Commissioner Brad Anders of the Sixth District said that on Wednesday September 3, 2008 (5 days after the re-organization) during the New Commissioner Orientation Commissioner Briggs asked Anders if he felt the Committee selection was a violation. Briggs indicated that he was considering filing a complaint. This appears to have been Briggs attempt to gather up support for his possible compliant. Was Briggs actions toward Anders a violation?

Commissioner Amy Broyles of the Second district. We are still waiting for a return call.

Commissioner Sam McKenzie of the First district. We are still waiting for a return call.

Commissioner David Wright of the Eighth district said that he had expressed his aggravation with the process to Briggs. When Wright was asked to confirm that he had talked directly with Briggs about this issue. Wright explained that the conversation happened in the Main Assembly Room on the day of the re-organization (August 29, 2008).

If a "reasonable person" concludes that the re-organization was a "sun shined" meeting and that Wright and Briggs talking was NOT a violation. Then that same "reasonable person" would have to conclude that the meetings of the Committee of Committees, the Finance and Intergovernmental committee meetings were NOT a violation, as well.

If Briggs and Wright believed that the re-organization was a violation of the Sunshine Law at teh time. Why did Briggs and Wright not object at the time? Why did Briggs and Wright not demand a point of order during the meeting?

Brian's Blog will continue on this story and will post updates as we receive them.


  1. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Did Commissioner Briggs cluck while he was yelling "fowl"?

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Check out Briggs trying to fix his mistake on Charter Amendment 3.


    Seems the people of Farragut are upset with Briggs. Thanks to him Farragut will be split in two.

    We remember Briggs kissing the ring of the Northshore 12:


    The north side of Farragut is furious they may have Lumpy Lambert as their next County Commissioner.

    We will remember Briggs next election. One, and done Briggs.
