Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Congratulations to Richard "Bud" Armstrong

Richard "Bud" Armstrong is the Republican nominee for County Commission in Knox County's Eighth District. Armstrong will be on the ballot on November 4, 2008 to replace former County Commissioner and present Knox County Property Assessor Phil Ballard.

The Republican nominating convention was held at 7:00 p.m. in the Gibbs High School auditorium. There were between 125-150 delegates in attendance tonight. Armstrong was nominated by former Commissioner John Mills. Former County Commission candidate Galen Porter was nominated by former State Representative Jim Boyer. Both candidates were given 3 minutes to speak prior to the vote. It appeared that Porter received between 10-12 voice votes. While Armstrong received all the other votes.

After the vote, both candidates shook hands and as Armstrong took the stage. Porter left the auditorium and the building. Bud Armstrong will be an excellent Commissioner and deserves each and every vote from the eighth district on November 4, 2008.

The Democrats will meet this Thursday September 4, 2008 to select their candidate, if a Democrat exists in the Eighth District.


  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Hey Brian! FYI, Gailen Porter would make a fine commissioner as well. I know what kind of man he is and what the Lord has done in his life. I would put Gailen's integrity up against anyone in this state! Gailen has stood tall and has not backed down even though this little Gibbs/Corryton faction has lied and slandered him and our family many times. Last night he followed thru to be obedient to what he felt was a spiritual calling from his heavenly father. People in our church recruited Gailen because he is bold. How many people do you think would have showed up and faced this faction after all that they did to him during the election? Gailen is a true class act and a Godly man. Gailen and I have been married almost 23 years and I am very proud to be his wife.
    Melanie Porter

  2. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Although I do not know Galen Porter; I do wish to voice my opinion on behalf of Bud Armstrong. Although I do not live in the 8th district (my mother does and many in my immediate family as well). I feel the integrity of Mr. Armstrong cannot be disputed. He too is a man of God; and a man of the people. The integrity of Bud Armstrong cannot be disputed. Mrs. Porter; absolutely no disrespect intended; Bud Armstrong is a great candidate for the 8th district.

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I have been talking about hoping for a candidate forum/debate. It may be simpler if every candidate held a "meet and greet" on their own, scheduled to not conflict with other candidates of course. This would allow the citizens of the 8th district to meet the republican, democrat, and independent candidates so they can make an informed decision on who to vote for.

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Well, the Democrats handed it to Mr. Armstrong on a Silver Platter, tonight (Thursday) In Covention for the purpose of nominating an 8th District Candidate, they selected Michael Leon Daugherty. Daugherty is no eligible to hole the post. Last week, he went to the the Election Commission and registered to vote in the 8th. He just moved into a new home he built in the 8th. But here's the catch: in the August and the February election he voted from the 3rd District's 23rd Ward. Even then, he didn't live there. His home prior to moving to the 8th was in Halls. Yet being a mature, married man with children, he voted from his 80-plus year old Mother's home. Now the County Charter clearly states at Section 2.03 that one has to RESIDE in the District from which they run for ONE YEAR prior to the election. Michael Leon Daugherty's brother Don Daugherty, who graduated from Memphis State's law school, once practised law but now can't and is a "legal writer" stood before the Democrats and told them that State law residency requirements are different from the Charter and where there's a conflict State law controls. Don Daugherty said county election coordinator Greg MacKay told him that Thursday afternoon. That is not true. MacKay spent a lot of time Wednesday and Thursday telling many others just the opposite. The effect of the Charter was a "home rule" thing which removed it from many State law regulations. And the Daughertys know that. They've been to Court over this in the past. Leon and Don seem ro think they are exempt form rules that do apply to others. But, the Democrats swallowed the kool-aid; and they now have a candidate is is ineligible to hold office and who has committed Voter Fraud, a felony, twice in 7 months if he is eligible.

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Dear Anyonymous 9:05 PM blogger. You seem to think your well versed and extremeley knowledgable of the State Election Law, Knox County Charter, Mr. MckAy and his conversations, and of the Daughertys. Where can I purchase the anidote for the Kool Aid I swallowed. Come on, you're always trading for something now aren't you? Being anonymous is a great thing.
