Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Dr. McIntyre Must Feel Like The Knox County School Board Lied

First, it was the senseless, avoidable death of Eric Law. Then it was the Central High School shooting death of Ryan McDonald. Then he is confronted with the federal judge advancing the Kim Kallenburg case. Then Austin East High School discovers a gun two days in a row.

Then today
one of his employees is arrested with a federal indictment for "distributing and possessing with intent to distribute crack." The employee was arrested in the fourth and gill neighborhood. The neighborhood that attempted to recruit he and his wife to locate their family home there. Personal note to Dr. and Mrs. McIntyre, that was a good decision not to purchase a home in that neighborhood.

Dr. McIntyre must be feeling like this school board surely lied to him about Knox County Schools.


  1. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Have you emailed this to the super?

  2. Why would that have been neccesary. BTW, I am confident and have it on good authority that he reads Brian's Blog. So, it wasn't emailed to him. I am sure that he has seen it. He can post a comment if he wishes.
