Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Knox County General Sessions Judge Vacancy

The following letter was hand delivered early this morning to the Knox County Commission office. A personalized copy for each of the current 18 commissioners. A copy for the Commission office and a copy for the vacant Eighth District Commission seat.

Today copies were hand delivered to all 8 applicants as well as a hand delivered copy to the News Sentinel office addressed to Publisher Bruce Hartmann. It is the personal non endorsement of Chad Tindell for General Sessions Judge by the founder of Brian's Blog, Brian Hornback. For the record, Steve Mule guessed correctly.

September 18, 2008
Dear Knox County Commissioners,

I am writing to you today concerning the judicial vacancy that exists in the Knox County General Sessions Court. On August 7, 2008 Judge Bob McGee was elected to serve the citizens of Knox County on one of the three Knox County Criminal Court benches creating this vacancy. The individual that you select to replace Judge McGee will have very large shoes to fill.

According to the Commission office there are eight candidates for this position. They are Patricia Hall Long, Glenna Overton, Mary Evars-Goan, John Owings, Randy Reagan, Mark Brown, Del Holly and Chad Tindell. While I believe that seven of them bring unique perspectives to the position and there is one candidate that based on my own personal dealings with him I consider to be an unworthy candidate for appointment.

In my opinion, Chad Tindell lacks the judicial temperament and maturity to serve as a judge in Knox County.

Less than two years ago on October 21, 2006 it was reported in the Knoxville News Sentinel that Chad had sent emails in March 2005 to nearly every member of Knoxville’s media that began with "you didn’t hear this from me". In those emails he stated innuendo about several individuals including myself that was without basis or fact. He was attempting to be an anonymous source. Is this the type of judicial temperament that we in Knox County want serving on the Knox County General Sessions bench?

In addition, in 1998, Chad ran for Knox County Commission in Knox County’s Fourth Commission District. In that Republican primary Chad was rejected by the Republican voters of District Four. This is an indication that the voters of the Fourth District did not feel that he was the best qualified candidate at the time to serve on our county legislative body.

In addition, from 2003-2005 Chad served as Knox County Republican Party Chairman and from all indications he did a good job.

In early 2006, less than a year after Chad had stepped down as Party Chairman the Knox County Commission appointed a "caretaker" for a vacant Knox County General Sessions Judge position. This vacancy was due to the untimely retirement of Judge Brenda Waggoner. At that time, Chad did not receive one nomination from any Knox County Commissioner. He said at the time that he wanted the voters to decide.

In May of 2006 just a year and two months after having completed his term as the Knox County Republican Party Chairman Chad was a Republican Primary candidate for Knox County General Sessions Judge. The final results show that three in four Knox County Republicans REJECTED the candidacy of one Chad Tindell. This after Chad had thousands of dollars in radio commercial endorsements from Republican State Senator Ben Atchley. So, Knox County voters decided and they decided loud and clear that Chad Tindell was not deserving of a position as a General Sessions Judge.

For you to nominate and select Chad Tindell would be a great disservice to the citizens of Knox County. I believe that as you interview these candidates, you will see what the voters of Knox County have seen and that the best role for Chad Tindell to serve our community is that of citizen and private attorney.

Thank you for your time. If I can be of additional assistance to you, please feel free to contact me at the email address provided in this letter.

Best Regards,

Brian Hornback

CC. Chad Tindell
Mark Brown
Mary Evars-Goan
Del Holly
Patricia Hall Long
Glenna Overton
John Owings
Randy Reagan
Bruce Hartmann, KNS


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Was this the letter that Larry Smith mentioned near the end of the public forum part of today's meeting?
    He apologized, I think to the person speaking in favor of Tindell, and said stuff like all a letter like that was doing is helping to tear down the republican party. The person speaking had said that a judgeship is no place for partisan politics.

  2. Alan:

    I don't know if R. Larry addressed it during the public forum. Because I did not attend the public forum portion. I can assure you that R. Larry Smith would NOT have mentioned the letter had I been present at the meeting.

  3. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I dunno Brian - a non-recommendation from you might be seen as a positive thing by some.
