Monday, September 29, 2008

R. Larry Smith. The R doesn't mean Republican

We filed an earlier story about how R. Larry Smith has ranted and raved about Brian Hornback informing the Commissioners of the inability of Chad Tindell to obtain a simple majority of votes. Larry "Stick" Smith believes you should never speak ill of another Republican. In the earlier post we pointed out that "Stick" had passed up on two Republicans to cast a vote for Democrat Elaine Davis. We were partially correct. He actually passed on three good Republicans. On the first ballot he voted against Walter Wojnar. On the second ballot he voted against Logan Brummitt and on the third ballot he voted against Knox County Republican Party Vice-Chairman Mike Alford. All for a Democrat.

Word is that while Lumpy is expecting censure at the Powell and Karns Republican Clubs for his vote for a Democrat in Mark Brown for General Sessions Judge. That the troops out in Halls are sharpening their pitchforks for Larry "Stick" Smith. Because we all know that the R. doesn't stand for Republican. So, what does the R. stand for?


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    The R stands for Rhetoric

  2. Anonymous8:28 PM

    The R stands for "retreat". R. Larry wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face.

    The R could also stand for "run", seeing as R. Larry has never made a stand for the people.

    He has to go.

  3. Anonymous4:51 AM

    You should have a contest to come up with the best thing that the "R" could stand for. I suggest that the R = Rowdy!

