Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Slopper News Got It Wrong Again....How Long Will Bruce Hartmann Tolerate It?

If you saw the Slopper News that hit the streets today, (Tuesday Sept. 2, 2008) you saw a report that the Republican Party would have a candidate for consideration at tonight's County Commission Eighth District Nominating Convention for a gentleman named Russell Huckaba.

The Slopper News Publisher Sandra Clark was present at tonight's convention. But no one named Russell Huckaba was nominated. Was this a story manufactured by the Slopper News Publisher? Was this an attempt by Clark to promote someone as a Republican but in actuality they will run as a Democrat or Independent? How long with E.W. Scripps Publisher Bruce Hartmann tolerate erroneous published reports by Clark?


  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    It sounds to me like they were "punked," as in fed wrong info to make them look stupid.


  2. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Russell Huckaba WAS at the meeting and was prepared to present himself as a candidate for consideration. When he tried to enter the auditorium, Russ was informed by Gerald Turner that he was "disqualified" from being nominated because Russ had attended the 8th district democratic meeting the night before. Russ was also informed that only delegates and their family members could attend the Republican convention. Funny, nobody told me that. I'm just a citizen who doesn' t even live in the 8th district. I went right in, sat down, nobody asked me a thing. I could have stayed the whole time, I imagine.

    I'm just wondering if what Mr. Turner did to Russ was legal? Does he alone have the power to "disqualify" someone who wishes to present themselves as a candidate for nomination? As Americans, do we not have the right to attend public meetings as we see fit, whether democrat or republican? Russ is new to this whole "game" of politics (which it obviously is.... a GAME). He's simply a concerned citizen who felt the call to get involved in local government, and he has been met at every turn with negativism, cronyism, and discouragement. This is wrong. Russ met all the requirements for a candidate for commissioner, but obviously, he didn't fit some people's ideas of what a candidate should be. Wrong, I tell you.

  3. Lori,

    Mr. Turner (a former Republican Chairman) was appointed by the current Republican Chair (Irene McCrary) to be Chirman of Contest and Credentials. So, yes that committee CAN rule someone ineligible if they have participated in Democrat Party activities.

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Not disagreeing with what you just replied to Lori…..If I was not a member of any party but had always voted Conservative Republican, and wanted to go check out the Democratic Party to see how they function and meet their candidate, I would then not be allowed to join the Republican Party.

    If I did not want to join either party but wanted to meet the candidates I would be voting for at the polls, I could visit the Democrats home as a guest but not the Republicans home. I understand I would be a guest in their home and just observe. I am not trying to be confrontational but I am curious.

  5. Alex,

    Based on additional follow-up this afternoon I have learned that the disqualification occured because the candidate, Huckaba attended and participated in a Democrat Party function seeking Democrat support. That is what disqualiifed him.

    There are rules that govern the Convention process. Just as there are rules in St. Paul this week for the Republican National Convention.

  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Mr. Hornback,

    Has the republican party discussed having a candidate forum in October with all the candidates
    for the 8th district seat? A public question and answer forum would be great!

    I consider myself a republican as far as presidential races go, but I make sure to vote for the
    right person, not party, when it comes to local elections.
    I was encouraged to attend last nights meeting, as well as saw it mentioned in the Shopper.
    But, I got there and found out it was not an open meeting, no citizens allowed. After arguing with Steve Hunley about that fact, I was told to leave. He also had the nerve to tell me I wasn't even in the 8th district since I vote at Halls. Does he know what he is doing?. I then found out more
    citizens came thinking they could also attend the meeting, all concerned for the 8th district in which they live, and I live. And I also heard many delegates as they left compalining about the process, and that it seemed to be the Steve Hunley show.
    I live in the Fort Sumters area of the 8th district, north of Halls on the left of the highway. And I don't feel that there is anyone representing my area. And I don't feel that Wright is doing the best job that he can either. I want someone in the 8th seat that will listen to the citizens, and actually speak out on issues that concern the citizens of Knox County.

    I also heard that Mr. Hukaba went to the demo function to see who their candidate was. Then got asked to participate in answering questions. I don't know about the solicitation of demo support.

  7. Alan:

    I do not know what the intent is for a forum/debate. I am sorry that I didn't get a chance to meet you last night.

    I encourage you to call the GOP office at 865-689-4671 and ask the Chair, Irene McCrary to organize and sponsor a forum. I would also encourage you to contact the Gibbs PTA and see if they would help organize and plan a forum.

  8. Anonymous4:48 PM

    A forum/debate would be helpful to help people decide who to vote for. The newest commissioners were veted at such debates, and that really helped citizens make up their minds.

    Funny, but it would have been hard to meet me since I sat outside until I went back home!

    Thank you for the contact info. I will see if something like that can be arranged.

  9. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Thanks, Lori, Alan.


    Thanks for your clarification of the 'reasoning' for Mr.Turner informing me that I was disqualified. The democrat meeting that I went to was NOT an offical party function, but actually in informal meet the candidates gathering. I met Mr. Leon Dougherty, the only candidate. Leon is a very nice man who has a good grasp on the issues. Ray Abbas moderated the meeting and invited me to sit at the table and field questions with Mr. Dougherty. I felt that this was not some mortal crime, but actually just a chance to meet some of the public. This race should not be about party affiliation in as much as it should be about candidates who wish to help the district. I was encouraged to hear that Dave Wright spoke up last night. Dave is a very nice, affable guy. I hope that he can do more as a commissioner in the future. The same is true for Mr. Armstrong.I had the pleasure of meeting Mr.Armstrong last week at the district 8 republican club meeting at Carter High. I never intended to start a war. I merely want the citizens of district 8 to know that I am here and should be available to run for office should the call come one day.

  10. I agree that a forum is a good idea.

    Actually I was in and out of the auditorium until just before it began.
