Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Audacity Of Deceit

This weekend I have read Brad O'Leary's book The Audacity of Deceit - Barack Obama's War on American Values. This should be a MUST read before you vote. However, I cast my vote on Thursday so it wouldn't be right to impose a mandate on you that I haven't imposed on myself. That would be like a liberal Democrat or a Barack Obama supporter.

If Barack Obama is elected on November 4, 2008 then it should be mandatory read. Each chapter deals with a major issue like Social Values, The Second Amendment, Voting Rights, War on Success, Bankrupting America, Starving America, Free Trade Free People, Changing Justice, American Health Care, America's Defense, The Barack Obama Test and Trust. It details Obama's plan and how it counters America's belief and in some cases how it is opposite Bill Clinton's record from 1993-2001.

You can go to the book's website and download one free chapter. I recommend that you download either The Barack Obama Test or the Chapter entitled Trust. So go to the website and check it out. Buy one or ten copies for your family and/or friends.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:32 PM

    are you afraid to us his middle name

