Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sandra Clark on Chad Tindell

I am working about a week behind right now. But, I noticed the following items from Sandra Clark's column last week. With one item I simply raise a point and with a second item we may be in agreement.

First this one.

Who’s hacking whom?

Remember when Tyler Harber was accused of hacking into Chad Tindell’s computer and stealing his e-mail? Remember how those politically sensitive e-mails were printed out and mysteriously appeared in Mike Ragsdale’s office?

It happened and our Attorney General, Randy Nichols, said he had no intention of prosecuting Harber. Nichols said if a crime had been committed it was just a misdemeanor and Chad could go take out a warrant against Tyler and prosecute the case himself.

OK, but what is the difference between that case and that of the tousled haired kid, David Kernell, who appeared on the front page of last week’s paper. Kernell, mentioned in conjunction with the hacking into Sarah Palin’s e-mail account, was hounded by the FBI, the KPD, the TBI, the PTA and perhaps the MOUSE.

Guess it just matters who is hacking whom

Sandra, if you haven't noticed Chad is simply a local Attorney that likes to be your anonymous "You didn't hear this from me" source. To compare him to Sarah Palin. Well, that is like comparing you to Jack McElroy. The experience and expertise just ain't there. Chad is a no body, Sarah will be the next Vice-President of the United States. McElroy is an Editor of a daily paper and has a future. While you are stuck at a weekly community paper that simply produces bird cage liner paper.

Second is this one.

Going for the long-haul

Kudos to our guy Larry Van Guilder. He just flat predicted the appointment of Patricia Hall Long (called “long-haul” by this writer) to the Sessions Court bench.

For the record, let me disagree with my pontificating colleague Frank Cagle. In last week’s Metro Pulse, Cagle said Chad Tindell threw his votes to long-haul to block the surging Mark Brown.

Hmmm. I’d be more apt to say that Tindell threw his votes to Brown in an effort to stop a surging long-haul.

Fact is, the appointment of Patricia Hall Long, following the election of Andrew Jackson VI, means the last two judges have come from the district attorney’s office. Call it partisan if you want, but it really comes down to the ins vs. the outs; the law enforcement establishment vs. the defense lawyers.

I agree with giving kudos to Larry Van Guilder on his prediction. When you have "real sources" that will talk to you, predictions are easier. Larry works hard and it pays off for him. I too agree that Tindell may have thrown his voted to benefit Brown. With the three likely voted for Tindell actually voting for Brown. It makes sense. This would open up Chad to inspection by the party as not being loyal and a possible censure / removal from the party.

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